What's On My Book Shelf?


World Book Day. What is it? It's a day once every year in which we celebrate fictional stories, characters, plot twists, disney princesses and children's television. Unfortunately, I don't think it's socially acceptable to dress up as a disney princess today BUT if I was twelve years younger, I would definitely be Minnie Mouse or Princess Elsa for the day.

I have a small selection of books which sit patiently on my window sill (not quite a bookshelf, sorry Pinterest lovers), and it got me thinking; I need to embrace literature and physical pages more. The digital age means books are being forgotten about and I am truly guilty of this. Although I haven't gone as far as buying a kindle, the only kind of daily written material I read are blogs and occasionally fashion magazines; which most of the time are a complete waste of money, aren't they?

I want to read more and fill myself with fantasy characters and gripping plots and sad endings. So, if you recommend any books, do leave them in the comments below and I'll be sure to check them out.

So, what's on my book s(ill)helf?
A slightly dweeby Harry Potter collector's book, My Future in Listography, The Highway Code Drivers Book, It by Alexa Chung, Girl Online by Zoe Sugg, Facehunter Street Style, Blog Inc Bloggers Guide, If I Stay by Gayle Forman, Style Feed of Fashion Bloggers.

It by Alexa Chung seems to be the most controversial book ever written by a fashion icon. It's a lot like marmite - you will either think it's a brilliant book which captures her life in a passionate and intimate way or you will think it's a waste of money and just a hard back book full of pointless photographs. I actually haven't yet finished it but so far I have enjoyed it.

Girl Online is one of the most sought after novels written by the blogging queen herself, Zoe Sugg. Again, I haven't yet finished it but so far I am enjoying the ever so slightly cheesy love story. I know there has been a huge questionable speculation due to finding out the book was ghost written but I personally have no opinion towards this.

I reviewed the Blog Inc book a few years ago which you can read here. It's a great little book packed full of tips and do's and dont's of blogging. I really recommend it if you're a new blogger or thinking of starting one and don't quite know where to start.

Street style is one of the biggest modern influences with every day fashion. I love pondering over people's outfits whether it's the stylish girl with the studded shoes at the bus stop, the group of clicky slightly OTT fashionistas crowding around the cobbles of Somerset House or the inspiring fashion bloggers I follow on Bloglovin. This book is packed full of style.

The Listography book is something I picked up in Urban Outfitters a few years ago when I said to myself 'Oh, I'll fill this up in no time'. In consideration to having a busy life, I have undoubtedly forgotten to fill this out as much as I intended to. Woopsie. However it's a great little interactive book.

My Mother bought me the novel If I Stay by Gayle Foreman for Christmas but again, yes you guessed it, I just haven't yet got round to reading it.

The Highway Code? Say whaaaat? I have decided I need to learn how to drive as soon as possible before I become an old lady and find it difficult to get in and out of a car. OK OK, I know I have a long time before that happens but I started learning to drive 3 years ago and then gave it up and I don't quite know why. The thing is, I know HOW to drive but I seem to have forgotten all of the important things such as road signs, rules of the road and manoeuvres. I can do this!

Obviously, naturally, I was going to save the best book till last. I got this for Christmas which is something I said I wanted months before. It's from The Works bookshop and was quite pricey I think but totally worth it. It's got EVERYTHING about Harry Potter in. I guess this slightly relates to World Book Day a bit more? 

Hope you enjoyed seeing what books sit in my bedroom. If you have any recommendations, do let me know! Until then? Expelliarmus!


  1. I've been wanting to read Alexa Chung's book for the longest time but never quite got around to it - again I am divided as to what it would be like! I must get the teaser chapter and give it a go :)

    Lucy Amelia | flawedfairytale

    1. Hi Lucy! I reckon if you truly like Alexa Chung more for her as a person rather than a fashion icon, then you will enjoy it :)


  2. I have loads of books, and love to read. But finding the time can be hard. I normally read a chapter in the bath or in bed at the weekends. I am currently reading Daughter. I also have If I stay, but haven't read it yet either

    1. I agree! I have tried to read in the bath before but almost dropped Girl Online in the water so figured I am too clumsy to risk such a thing, haha. Never heard of Daughter? I'll have to check that one out :)


  3. haha I totally feel you with the dressing up situation; I'd definitely be minnie mouse today if it was socially acceptable as an adult to dress up for world book day! I'm not really a book kind of person to be honest, as a youngster I used to love books but now I just don't have enough time to dedicate to reading although I bought Sali Hughes' book the other week and i've been really enjoying reading that even though I don't think books like that are what WBD is all about haha

    Jade x
    Girl Up North | UK Lifestyle Blog

    1. I am the same! I used to read so much when I was younger. It's quite sad really, isn't it? :(


  4. Great little book collection! Keep umm-ing and ahh-ing over whether to give Girl Online a read or not, it's great to see someone who started out blogging come so far. I recently got a kindle for Christmas and have been reading a lot more, think it's just easier to carry round plus my bookshelf is full and I don't have room for anymore. I'm currently reading Papertown by John Green and quite enjoying it :) xx

    1. Thanks Sadie! Awh yeah kindles seem a lot more easier but I have to admit, when I do read a book, I do find pleasure in turning an actual page! I love John Green, so I will check that one out. Thanks for the recommendation :) XO


  5. I genuinely thought you'd be a keen reader! Here are my 5 recommendations!

    M.R. Carey - The Girl With All The Gifts
    John Green - Finding Alaska
    Gillian Flynn - Gone Girl (any by that author are great)
    Nathan Filer - The Shock of The Fall
    Alice Sebold - The Lovely Bones!

    Also look at signing up to Goodreads, it's good for reviews and when your finding a new read! xxx

    1. Haha, I used to be but just don't seem to have a lot of time/motivation for reading anymore! :(

      I love Gone Girl though. Read that when it was first released and still think the book is better than the film! Second John Green recommendation so I will definitely have to check more of his stuff out. Thanks for the recommendations Em + I will sign up with Goodreads too. Never knew that existed!


  6. I like how diverse, fun and interesting your book shelf is. I love how traditional and magical the Harry Potter book looks just from it's cover. I've bought and been bought quite a few books from Urban Outfitters that are silly or interactive or both. Adult colouring books!?

    1. Thank you! The HP book is amazing if you can appreciate the films in a giant book; although it is super heavy haha. I also have an adult colouring book - the Ryan Gosling one! Guilty but soooo worth it!!!!


  7. Anonymous5/3/15

    That Harry Potter book cover is amazing!!!!
    I love the style of photography you used, so simple, so sweet!
    I also have not gotten around to reading "If I Stay", but I heard its a pretty good read! If you do, it I'll do it! ;)

    1. It is pretty cool, isn't it?! Haha okay it's a book challenge between you and me! GO! ;-)


  8. Great collection of books. I have the Alexa Chung book as well :)

    1. Book twins! You have an amazing sense of style by the way!


  9. I wish I had more time to read! My shelf is full of old faves.


    1. Me too - we should try dedicating ten minutes a day or something?!


  10. All of your books sound so cool, i really need to invest in some good books... i just stick to fashion blogs for my reading, my bad!

    Emma at www.collagemepretty.blogspot.co.uk

    1. To be honest, I am pretty much the same! I have loads more around my house that are all mostly fashion/photography related. I love picture books! :)


  11. World book day takes me right back to being in Primary school, such a throw back :) I loved Style feed, such a ridiculous amount of inspiration in one book. I must admit, I'm tempted to read Girl Online but there's just so much hype and mixed reviews... maybe it'll be a cheesy holiday read? Great picks Ashleigh!


    1. I don't remember WBD back in Primary school? I think my school was just simply boring, haha. Yeaaaah defo recommend Girl Online for a cheesy, non-serious read. I hope it ends good! I'm about half way through at the moment.. x


  12. I never really have much spare time to read but I love the idea of it. Realistically I'm always found sat flicking through a photography magazine with a cup of tea though, gotta be honest!

    Sam | www.sprksam.com

    1. ... And THIS is why you are one of the coolest male bloggers, ever.


  13. Huge HP fan here so I did fangirl a little. I also need to get my hands on "style feed" since I am obsessed with stalking outfits. I loved this post :)

    Creepers & Cupcakes

    1. It's an amazing little blog! Makes me feel like I dress slightly boring though, haha!


  14. I hate to admit how much I love Alexa Chungs book, its like my bible at the moment!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  15. I always find it interesting to see what genres of books people are reading; I find myself; when I make the time of course; to be reading Thrillers/Crime and general head thinkers.

    Phil ; I Say Old Chap

    1. I used to love thriller books when I was younger - man, I miss being a kid! The biggest psychological thriller I've read was probably Gone Girl. That was messed up.



Thanks so much for your comment! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments and I'll answer them!