Recent work: MICHAEL


Firs things first.... I have a new blog design! I decided to give Being Ashleigh a little makeover this week. I've made the posting area a little larger which means pictures will be bigger! :D I quite like it.

I've been a busy little bee recently shooting for my final project for Uni. Generally, guys interest me more visually (ahem, photographically girls, although it's always a plus when you're working with a hot one) so I've decided to shoot simple fashion portraits of guys focusing around the theme of youth culture. 

I shot Michael recently on quite a cloudy day but the lighting worked well. The clothes are all c/o of Smiley which I just want to say a HUGE thank you for! They're a fantastic brand with a fun vibe behind them so definitely check them out!

But for now; here's Michael. Let me know what you think in the comments! I'd love your feedback. 

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