happy easter and new hair


Today's Sunday meaning it's Easter and we can all eat chocolate till our heart's are content. I decided this weekend to have a major hair change. I've had my ombre/dipdye for around three years now and I decided to bite the bullet and have the ombre cut off due to damage resulting in a million and one split ends.

I actually dyed over the blonde a few weeks ago using Bleach London's Bruised Violet non-permanent hair colour...except it ended up permanently staining my hair green when it eventually washed out after three washes. I am not going to bother negatively reviewing it but I don't recommend it at all! I could't be bothered with trying to save my hair so decided to have a chop and dye over it using a chocolate brown; a few shades darker than my natural hair colour.

Today's been such a chilled Sunday! I'm off to tuck into my mum's apple strudel and stuff my face with Easter chocolate. Yum!

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