21 before 21


^ my image

Last year, I put together a list of things I wanted to achieve in the year 2012. I achieved a fair amount but there's still so many things I never got round to crossing off the list! I'm turning 21 in 2014; January 3rd, so I thought it would be nice to re-invent the list but to mix it up a bit and call it "21 before 21". Everytime I achieve something, I'll cross it off this list. Here goes!

one pass my driving test 
two buy a car, insurance, tax etc
three read ten new books
four buy business cards for my blog
five visit Paris
six go on holiday with a boyfriend
seven visit the harry potter studio
eight start going to blog events and press days
nine get my blog mentioned in a high street fashion magazine
ten visit eight new places in the UK
eleven first tattoo (no idea what)
twelve take a road trip & go camping
thirteen take every opportunity that comes my way
fourteen have a successful relationship (no silly arguments causing a break-up) (in the works)
fifteen meet loads of new people (especially bloggers)
sixteen start to cook with my boyfriend and start up a recipe feature 
seventeen lose two stone
eighteen get a new clothes rail and re-think storage options
nineteen find a job in a career that suits me
twenty donate to charity once every three months
twenty one give blood

snap crackle and pop, cheers for stopping by!
want some more? |where else to find me:
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got instagram? so have i! username: ashllyd


  1. Great list Ashleigh, I hope that you achieve everything on it and I look forward to that recipe feature :). Giving blood is a great thing to do, I have donated before and it's very worthwhile! xx

    Almost Delightful

  2. Oh I love reading these kind of posts! I hope that you complete it all :) xx http://hellotashaa.blogspot.co.uk/

  3. Anonymous2/1/13

    I like your list of goals! I hope you get to achieve them all and good luck!! X

  4. Good luck with all of your goals!

    Would you like to follow each other?


  5. I love lists like this, I'm inspired to create my own now :-)
    Good luck! x


  6. love your 21 before 21! great idea... I've got something like this on my blog... why don't you check it out!

  7. Good luck with your goals - it's a very inspiring list! :)

  8. This is such a sweet idea, makes me think of creating one myself as I turn 18 in late December! Just so you know, I've nominated you for the Liebster Award I'll leave the link for you http://fagansfinds.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/liebster-award-2.html

    Fagan x



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