
Who knows if you have even noticed that I somewhat disappeared from the blogging world. No updates on the blog. Only baby spam on instagram for me for the past six months. No regrets.

Nothing prepares you for motherhood and one of the reasons I took some time away was because of this. The time I put into writing and sharing things, was now time I needed to put into sterilising bottles, changing nappies and soothing an upset baby. It's precious time that goes far too quick for my liking. Time I knew I wouldn't get back. I often wonder where the heck the past nine months have gone, but I do know that I have soaked up as much of the time with my son as possible.

To me, it is a weird and wonderful thing that nine months of waiting for a baby to grow and pop out into the world is the longest wait, ever. It was literally like waiting for Christmas, except it felt like I was waiting three years. Now, I have a beautiful nine month old and the time has just gone. Gone just like that.

The return to work is looming above my head like a dark cloud full of rain. I decided to take a year off work and cannot believe time is nearly up. I will be back commuting two hours each way and running between meetings. I know some new mothers look forward to returning to work as they cannot bear staying at home full time with a baby. However, I have enjoyed nothing more.

Woody is doing brilliantly and I couldn't wish for a better baby to be mine. He has just turned nine  months old, is trying to crawl and he said his first word last week. I couldn't be more ecstatic to report back that his first word was 'mumma'.  An almost-kinda-reward for keeping him alive and safe for the last nine months. I am very happy with that.

I can't help but feel a little bad that I have neglected my blog for over six months, but I hope you understand why. I have updated my blog consistently for the past nine years and this is the first real break I have ever taken. It's becoming a little easier to log in now that Woody is more independent. He's having his morning nap in the cot right now, which gives me around an hours' 'me time'.

I won't promise that I'll be updating as much as I did before, but I am going to try and not leave it another six months! I have so much to share with you. Things we have done as a family, things I want to share as a new mother and really, just things that I quite like that have nothing to do with babies or motherhood. I often forget that I like things like lipsticks, cheese burgers and cameras.

Six months later, eh.  Hello from me. And goodbye for now.

Ashleigh x

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