
The dreaded return to work date is now looming over my head - like a dark rain cloud about to burst. I decided to take a years' maternity leave, as I wanted as much time with my son as possible. It was a no brainer really. There have been some adjustments that needed to be made. Childcare, travel arrangements, reduced hours etc - but it also got me thinking about the day to day routine of my son, how it could change - but how I want it to stay the same wherever possible.

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All other images are my own and may not be re-distributed. 

Going back to work after having a baby can be difficult. You have had a lot of time to get used to being at home with your baby and now you have to leave your child with someone else. But it may also feel good to get back to a sense of normality and have some independence again. One of your concerns might be if you want to continue to feed your baby breastmilk, then how will you do it? Luckily, it is still possible!

Your place of work is required to make reasonable adjustments for you. This was highlighted by the class action lawsuit filed against Avon by mothers who felt that they were being discriminated against. Their argument was they were not given proper support for exercising their rights to time away from the desk to breast pump whilst at work. If you are having any issues with your place of work you should search: class action lawsuit attorney near me.

When you go back to work, you can continue breastfeeding as you normally would. However, the nature of your nursing relationship may have to change. As big changes happen you may feel that continuing to breastfeed is important for both you and your baby. It is a fantastic way to connect with your baby and is good for their health.

Breast milk has countless benefits for your baby during the first six months of their life. It is packed with antibodies and the chemical makeup of it changes if your child becomes sick, as well as when they grow. It is perfectly tailored for them. Beyond the first six months, it continues to be beneficial.

It is important to raise concerns and have conversations with your employer before you go back to work and make a plan together. You may be able to leave work to breastfeed, work from home for part of the day or finish work earlier. Speak to co-workers who have had children, get support and find out how they dealt with going back to work. 

You also have a right to have a space to breast pump whilst at work. Expressing your milk will ensure that you maintain milk production and will allow your baby to receive your breast milk when you are apart. You will need to keep it fresh in a fridge somewhere at work. If you decide not to express at work ,but want to continue to breastfeed outside of working hours, then you may need to find a way to express initially, or slowly build your hours up at work. This will prevent any discomfort or breast problems such as mastitis.

Another important factor is to have high-quality childcare from people who understand your and your babies' needs. You may even have a carer who can bring the baby into work for you when it is time to breastfeed. You are very lucky if this is the case!

In conclusion, everyone’s situation is different. Do what is right for you and your baby. Your employer needs to support you in your choices and make adjustments for you. Speak to them openly about your and your child’s needs and make proper arrangements laid out and signed for returning to work. 

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