
Travelling is one of my favourite things to do, so it's to no surprise that I say yes to being a part of the #WonderfulViews campaign. If you're looking for somewhere new to travel soon, then have you ever considered seeing the Alps?

Inntravel is a slow holidays company that provides planned trips around Austria and the Alps. A slow holiday is a walking holiday. Instead of driving yourself around the country and being stuck inside a car, you can walk or cycle around and see everything properly.

Inntravel arrange the hire of your bikes (or you can walk everywhere), and they give you a routed map to follow. Whilst your luggage is transported way ahead of you, you essentially cycle from one hotel to the next. Of course, you can stop off as many times as you like on the way. It's the best way to take in all of the sights, smells and you'll have far better photo opportunities.

Two years ago, I had the pleasure of doing a road trip through Europe and I spent a few nights in Switzerland. I stayed in a town called Susten; surrounded by forests and the alps and mountains of the Valais region. 

Switzerland had never appealed to me before, but to this day, it's the best place I have ever travelled to. I really fell in love with the country and would highly recommend it as a place to see if you haven't already. 

With the location being surrounded by forests and mountains, it meant you couldn't hear a thing. It was honestly so lovely to wake up to the sound of nothing. No cars, no children, no police sirens. Just peace and quiet. 

We was staying on dry mountain land, but we was about 35 mins from the local skiing slopes. The location we was at was great, as we had many different options of things to do everyday; including skiing, snowboarding, cable cars, hiking and shopping in the local town. 

Two days is an okay timeframe to see Switzerland, but I would have liked to have stayed for another few days, so I could see it more in depth. I also wish I would have walked around a lot more, rather than relying on the car so much. 

Road trips are a fantastic way to see countries back to back, but you are limited in terms of what you can see. This is why I think this is such a fantastic campaign to be a part of, as it allows travel lovers like myself, the chance to see these beautiful countries to their fullest potential. Being a keen fitness freak, also means I would love to cycle across these countries and think the concept of a 'slow holiday' is fantastic. 

I will definitely be considering a slow holiday for my travels next year. I just need to decide whether I want to return to Switzerland or try Austria!
I also have a small giveaway to include with this campaign. If you have visited the Austrian Alps before or know someone who has and loved it, then you may want to win this vintage poster! All you have to do is fill in the form below! Giveaway ends Friday 31st July and the winner will be contacted by myself on how to claim the prize. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: In collaboration with Inntravel. All words are my own. 


  1. Anonymous24/7/17

    I used to go to Switzerland a lot as a child as my Uncle lives in Zurich, but haven't had chance to go visit him in years. I agree it's a beautiful place, I'm desperate to go back!

    1. You're so lucky to know someone who lives there. I'd be there every summer haha!

  2. I have never been to Switzerland and it is one place that I keep talking about visiting with my husband, the views look amazing x

    1. You and your husband will love it, for sure! It's a really romantic place. x

  3. Oh wow that looks absolutely beautiful I would love to travel around the alps, the views always look absolutely spectacular.

  4. I have to admit I've never travelled to the alps before but what an amazing view!

  5. I've visited Austria a few times in summer and it's just stunning. Switzerland is definitely on my travel bucket list!

    1. That's so cool! I am the opposite.. I really need to see Austria soon!!

  6. The Alps are such an incredible place to visit. I travelled through them as a student and was totally wowed by them.

    1. That's amazing that you studied abroad. Must've been amazing to see that view everyday!

  7. Anonymous24/7/17

    I would love to travel like this, but will need to wait until my children are older

    1. It's always something you can do when they are grown up :)

  8. I visited Switzerland regularly when I was younger. My uncle had a chalet there so we would go and stay and it really was a beautiful place to visit.

    1. How amazing is that?! Super jealous. The skiing chalets there look amazing x

  9. I love the idea of a 'slow holiday' and how nice of them to include you in the campaign. I have never been skiing before! x

    1. I really want to try a slow holiday soon. Come with me haha!

  10. I absolutely adore Switzerland and I would definitely say it's one of the most beautiful countries in the world.

    1. I completely agree. No place has matched up to it yet!

  11. I've only been to Geneva before,and even then I'd love to go back, but the Alps look stunning x

    1. I'd love to see Geneva too. I've heard so many great things. x

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Your photos are gorgeous! I'm personally dying to get to Switzerland. It's supposed to be so pretty!

    1. Only two of the photos are mine! But thanks :)

  14. WOW! I want to go there for sure! Everything looks beautiful!

  15. Oooh! What a great post! I've never heard of Inntravel or slow holidays! xx

    1. I hadn't either, but I think I am swayed on where I am off to next year!

  16. I've not heard of the wonderful views campaign before. I also haven't visited Austria or Switzerland before. I would love to visit Austria as I have a lot of family over there that I've not met. I love all your pictures, they are just stunning!

    1. That's amazing! You'll definitely have to make a trip of it :)

  17. I have a friend who used to always go to the Alps and said it was such a beautiful place. The photos look stunning

  18. Oh to be honest, this is my dream Honeymoon place. I'd love to see up close the alps with my significant other in the future. I thinks its very romantic.

  19. Looks amazing with the stunning views, but those cable cars do look a tad scary :) x

  20. wow!!! Look at that view!! What an amazing place to travel to and get to see first hand!! I'm so jealous!

  21. I never really thought of Switzerland as a go to destination, but now you've got me intrigued. Those views!!! Stunning.

  22. ive never been before but i would love to go just for the stunning views! i have considered visiting switzerland myself but haven't had the time. one day!

  23. What an amazing view it really makes me want to go there and Sounds like you had an awesome day there

  24. What an amazing view. I would love to visit here some day.

  25. I wish one day I will visit that place. I like cold winter.

  26. I have to be honest and say I've never thought about holidaying in Switzerland before. It looks amazing though! I may have to add it to my ever-growing bucket list of places to go :)

    Louise x

  27. This looks amazing. I've never been on a skiing holiday or anything like this. xxx


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