Pipetto Origami Luxe iPad Case


I got an iPad mini last year and use it mostly for watching youtube videos, Netflix binges and reading blogs. Up until yesterday though, I didn't have a case for it which always made using my iPad a little awkward as I would usually have to balance it on something in order to watch something without holding it.

I have been trialling out a fantastic iPad Mini case from a luxury technology brand called Pipetto who design bespoke and amazing quality cases for all your gadgets. I have been using the Origami Luxe Case for my iPad mini which comes in six colours but red is my favourite! 

The cover is specially designed using soft vegan lambskin with a suede lining. The actual iPad clips into the right side of the case which uses a polycarbonate shell so it's guaranteed to stay in place. 

 On the back of the case is the branding logo of Pipetto which I think is a nice finishing touch as the light has to hit this area to be able to see it. Therefore, the branding is not in your face and really distracting!

Now let's get on to the most exciting thing about this iPad mini case. It's called the Origami Luxe case for a reason. The cover can fold itself into 4 different viewing angles; including typing and viewing angles.

I tested this out on a long car journey yesterday by folding the case like below and having it on my lap so I could type up some blog posts. The iPad didn't move at all and it remained comfortable on my lap allowing me to work stress-free.

 Another angle I have been using is a folded one like below. It's great for putting the iPad on a table for video watching or even for Facetime/Skype calls.

The multi-foldable cover also has a cool sleep/wake feature which will put your iPad onto sleep mode as soon as the case is closed. This is great as it extends your battery life up to 20% more! This is great if you're like me and use your iPad a lot for movie watching or music, then you are guaranteed some extra usage!

I am very impressed with Pipetto as a brand as the case is amazing quality and really soft to touch. I know my iPad will be safe and sound inside the case and it should last for a very long time. I know if I am ever looking for luxury cases for my gadgets in the future then I will definitely look at Pipetto for guaranteed high quality.


  1. This is the coolest case ever and makes me wish I had an iPad just so I can have my own! I've had a look at their snazzy iPhone 6 cases and now am trying to find a spare £25 to get one! :D

    Georgia x

    Georgia Petite

    1. I's super cool, right?! I can't wait to get an iPhone 6 case when I get my new phone. I really like the lambskin ones :) Love your blog by the way! Rose is so cute x

  2. Oh daaaaang, that's pretty. And they're not too badly priced to be honest! I'd rather pay that, than the amount Apple charge for their cases.

    A Little Twist Of…

    1. Same here! Sometimes you just gotta spend the extra pennies on quality x

  3. These look really smart and useful, I'm impressed they're only £25 I thought it would be a lot more than that. Amy

  4. Anonymous11/6/15

    I have a case similar to this but I love that you can fold it in triangles. The colour is beautiful!
    Xo Lottie

    1. Really? I've never seen them before this one! ha!

  5. Nice looking iPad case! I ad to invest in something more bulletproof as I constantly drop mine!

    Ben | www.twentyfirstcenturygent.com

    1. Haha! I haven't dropped mine yet *touch wood*!

  6. Lovely cover. I have samsun. I am not fussed much about the cover design etc but this one is lovely.


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