instant print blog business cards


 500 matte business cards - £19 - instantprint

Starting to attend blog events/press days and parties at the beginning of the year; I was faced with the question "Hello, do you have a business card?". It was somewhat embarassing to say no but my blog is bla bla bla. It's only now towards the end of the year that I've started attending more events and in general it's just easier to give someone a business card than faff looking for a pen + paper to spell out your blog url.

I headed over to instantprint who have an amazing offer on at the moment. £19 for 500 business cards is the cheapest I've ever come across. I bit the bullet and designed these myself; opting for a simple design that tied in well with my blog design. On one side is the my blog header illustration that Ashley Craggs designed for me and on the other side is my name, what I am and my social network links. I also included one of my all time favourite short quotes for a little bit of fun!They came within five days by signed delivery and were well packaged into 5 small boxes. I was astounded to see they are printed onto 450gsm card so are really thick. The quality is amazing and I'm just super duper happy with the print quality and the over all service from instantprint. Don't miss out on their special offer!

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- A XO


  1. These are great cards, I've signed up with them. I might order a few packs so I can use different images for a bit of variety.

  2. These are great cards, I've signed up with them. I might order a few packs so I can use different images for a bit of variety.

  3. I appreciate several from the Information which has been composed, and especially the remarks posted I will visit once more.  55 printing


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