26th September, Family wedding, Food festival, Iconemesis iPhone case, Parents' engagement party, Family meal, National History Museum, Tidy room!, Cheesey bacon chips, M&M world, Poochie, #selfie, Outfit, Lasagne, Fish for dinner, Curly hair, PIZZA, GTAV, Chimmi Changas, PB Snickers, Peanut butter cheesecake brownie (cc), Yoo Moo pit stop, Fav tee, Bought a fedora!001: I feel so out of the loop with blogging :( I think this is only my 3rd post of September so far, boo hoo hoo! I literally feel completely lost. I have a lot I need to write about and a lot of clothes that need to be photographed and written about but I have to be patient for my new blog design, sigh!
002: Had a trip to the Natural History Museum a few weeks ago which was lovely. I am guilty of being one of THOSE Londoners who don't adventure out to places in my city enough. I think I want to visit the design museum next for my inner geek.
003: I appear to have eaten so much food. I'll keep this point short. Sorry, not sorry!
004: I start a second internship next week which I have mixed emotions about. Half of me is super bloody excited but the other half is terrified. I am terrible in group situations and have little confidence in just about every aspect of life. Maybe I'll do a post on that in the future?! But as it's a uni placement, I HAVE to do it!
005: I caved and bought a fedora hat. I posted on instagram yesterday asking if it's a YAY OR NAY and everyone said yay. Yay! What do you think? I am giving myself a two week trial. If I don't wear it I will return it.
Don't know when I will post yet but thank you to everyone who's sticking by me and my little blog. I <3 you!
XO love, Ashleigh x
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