
I tried to split this into separate months i.e January, paragraph about that month etc. Not much happened in months like February and March so I'll just have a little type and try to sum up my year!

This year hasn't been my favourite but it hasn't been mean to me. I'm not going to go much into detail but I haven't got any friends but since starting ASHLLYD, I feel I have gained so many ~internet friends~ from the likes of Katy, JaydeSarahAbbyMichelleVicky, etc. Being completely friendless is absolutely horrible but I know as soon as I log onto my laptop or my iPhone, I'll have some lovely blog comments to read or twitter mentions and that makes me feel better. 

My family and boyfriend think I spend too much time on the internet which I know I do but it's what I enjoy. Nothing is better than curling up in bed with a laptop, chocolate and a list of blog posts to read. I've never been the sort to go out on a Friday night and get hammered (although I've had my fair share of 'Friday night pissups' when I was sixteen!). I probably sound like a right gimp but I love bubbly baths, putting on my cosiest pyjamas and jumping into bed and either reading books, watching films or.. reading blog posts.
If there's anyone out there quite like Ashleigh Dougherty, please let me know and we can be gimps together!

You might know already but I am a photography student. Reading blogs has really allowed me to explore and find new blogs that use a lot of photography; whether they take images and blog about them or the blogger takes photographs themselves. My favourites this year have been: REDBRICKLIPSTICKHivennn, and Fashion Your Seatbelts.

I have changed my style completely this year. I have always been a bit self concious of the way I look. I had a lot of 'puppyfat' when I was a little girl and never seemed to completely lose it until around 15/16. Around the ages of 14-15 I would only ever wear Primark blue skinny jeans, Primark basic white and black long sleeve tops and Primark plimsoles (remember when they were "in"? or was that just an Essex thing?). I completely lived in Primark. I then moved into different coloured skinny jeans and went through the ~grune, scene kid, goth~ period. I dyed my hair pink, then black and wore so much eyeliner. I got colourful nike dunks and would only wear band tees. This is all a secret by the way. I am only telling you, nobody else.

I have always blogged (tumblr) but only started up ASHLLYD in July 2011. I never really knew how 'big' blogging was until now when I get lots of emails everyday! I primarily started my blog for beauty and fashion posts but I'm so lazy when it comes to taking outfit posts for example. This is something I hope to add in for 2012. I think I follow more fashion posts than beauty just because I adore clothes more than makeup..but I still love makeup. I don't own anything by MAC for example because you can buy Sleek pallettes for A LOT cheaper and they do the same job! My favourite beauty blog has to be Vivianna. I literally rely on everything she says. I also love Lily's and Emma's beauty reviews as they're always a mix of high end products and affordable ones. Makes everything a little more interesting!

I'm trying not to rabbit on too much but to sum up this year I have turned 18, started my final year at college, applied for University to do a degree in photography, made no real life friends, started a blog, exhibited my work at free range 2011, lost my 98 year old nan who we all loved dearly, had a swollen eye, got back into contact with an old friend, kept to a strict skin care regime, gained 500 followers on twitter, ate way too much mcdonalds/nandos/gourmet burger kitchen, got distinctions in all my projects, been a maid of honour, caught my sister's wedding bouquet (no funny ideas though haha), had a new nephew, ombred my hair...

Favourite Snaps...

 Lanzarote, April 2011 - Free Range exhibition image.

 Lanzarote, April 2011 - Sister Louise and two cousins. The 4 grandchildren.

Big sister's wedding, April 2011

 Apple store, August 2011

 July 2011

July 2011 <3

 Me & sister - December 2011

<3 - September 2011

I'm off to see the fireworks in London tonight with the geek pictured above. We're going for a meal too. You may have seen my untitled blog post a few days ago but everything is back on the mend again. I think when you're in a long term relationship you get so attached to the person that it's hard to become unattached. As much as Todd annoys the hell out of me, I do love him an awful lot and we always kiss and makeup. At the end of day I'm not going to sit back and watch over two years of a relationship just fall down the drain. Happy go lucky!


  1. Ah great photos, love the wedding one especially, beautiful!!

    Just found your blog and adore it - Defo following!


  2. Happy new year, Ashleigh. sending you love and positive thoughts for 2012! x

  3. Anonymous31/12/11

    What a year of big changes! Congrats on exhibiting your work. I need to get back on the horse with not being lazy and snapped new outfit photos, too.

    Look forward to reading your new posts in 2012!

  4. Lovely photos Ashleigh, you and your sisters all look beautiful in the wedding photo. Glad to hear that things are better again too :)
    Love your blog, looking forward to more posts in 2012! x

  5. I think we're kind of similar! I'm all for curling up with a book or a blog rather than going out and getting smashed! I also ended up in the middle of an unfortunate situation that landed me with no friends but since I've started blogging I've met some of the dearest people I've ever known. Sometimes I do still feel like it's just me and my bf against the world, but at the end of the day I know I'll always have him. I'm glad you patched it up with your boyfriend and I hope 2012 is a magical year for you! xxxx

  6. I'm definitely a gimp too! :D
    Hope 2012 is an awesome year for you lovely, and glad things are back on track with you and your Mr!
    Chloe x

  7. Hey ! We talked about Monki last time on Twitter :)
    Your blog looks just fine, i love the layout. I wish you a very happy new year ! x

  8. You look beautiful at your sisters wedding!!! I went to the fireworks too - how good was it?! X

  9. sounds like you've had an eventful year.
    please check my blog out.

  10. Lovely photos! I'm totally the same I rarely go out on drunken nights anymore it's just not my thing and some people don't get it but I prefer to chill out in my sweats with takeaway and tv! Bit sad but hey haha hope you have a fab 2012.

    Tilly xo

  11. Your sisters dress is beautiful! Hope you had a lovely year


  12. Happy 2012! I hope it's wonderful for you.
    P.s. i am a gimp too ;) xxx

  13. Anonymous2/1/12

    Thank-you for featuring me as a favourite blog, that's really sweet of you! It looks like you've had a lovely year<3

  14. Aww happy to see you're all sorted now.. I love your new header, its beautiful, much like you and your sisters!!.. ohh I'm a gimp, happy new year hug to you loves and here's to actually meeting you in 2012 :) xxx


Thanks so much for your comment! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments and I'll answer them!