
Working in Central London has meant that my skin has been quite dehydrated and conjested over the last few months. Although genuinely clear, it's felt quite right and felt like it was lacking moisture; without actually peeling or flaking. I've basically put it down to the thanks of the London underground.

However, fear not because I have found a true magical product that has transformed my skin. Being completely vegan and cruelty free to, it's to no surprise that it's currently sold out.

Up until now, I was a virgin to Korean skincare products but now I feel like I need it ALL to try out. Klairs is the first Korean beauty brand that I have explored and I honestly cannot wait to try out some more.

Koja Beauty is an online website that stocks many different Korean beauty products; including other brands like Klairs. They kindly sent me over a whole bunch of different products to try, but the Freshly Juiced Vitamin Drops from Klairs is definitely my favourite try out.

With the power of main ingredient Vitamin C, the freshly juiced vitamin drops is a serum type product that is packaged in a 30ml glass bottle with a stopper to distribute. It smooths out the skin's complexion and texture, rejuvenates lack of moisture in the skin and brightens any dullness.

I have been using it every evening in replacement of a moisturiser, but it can be used after a moisturiser day and/or evening. It makes my skin feel amazing, healthy and glowy; and it certainly does brighten it when my skin is looking a little dull or sallow.

Available at KOJA Beauty for £19.99 

Disclaimer: PR sample. All words are my own. 


  1. This sounds really good ashleigh! I like having glowy skin without being greasy so this sounds right up my street

    Holly x
    Hollys Beauty Box

  2. This sounds exactly what my skin is screaming for at the moment!

  3. Ooh I love the sound of this! Vitamin drops sound exactly what I need right now, my skin is in dire need of some help!

  4. I've never really thought of using vitamin drops before but they sound fab! Especially during the winter. I'm going to look into them x

  5. I've never heard of Klairs before, and vitamin drops aren't something I've tried. But I'm for dewey, glowing skin, so might have to give these a try! x

  6. City life is so bad for the skin. There's so much grime in the air. I haven't heard of this brand but I'm a massive fan of Vit C serum. Finding a good one makes so much difference to the texture of skin. I'll have to investigate this brand and compare it to my current favourite

  7. Anonymous2/1/18

    Everything has its value. Thanks for sharing this informative information with us. GOOD works! scannable id


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