Sunday-gram #4


car travels · grandad's chocolates · cream soda · coat and sneakers · signed gift · miserable selfie

In all honesty, I have done absolutely nothing this week other than mope around feeling sorry for myself. I realised earlier this week that March has been such a cruel and long month for me, so I am overly excited for April to arrive.

Today, I am out and about in London for a post mumma's day treat for the old girl which means I should hopefully have some nice stuff to share with you next week. Maybe even a new outfit post? My last one was actually shot by my Mum and seemed to go down so well!

I think I am going to start back at the gym again next week. I need some kind of escape from my bedroom/office and need to start getting into more of a routine. I generally work from 9am right up until 1/2am (with a Netflix break somewhere in-between), which isn't good at all! I read someone's blog post recently (cannot remember who!?) and they mentioned their routine is getting up early, hitting the gym and then returning home, showering and starting blog work. I think I might do this?

...(I probably won't).

Hope you've all had a brilliant weekend? Mine's consisted of Netflix, one's own company and pizza. Again. 


  1. I'm finishing up my office job on Friday and my plan is to hit the gym every morning!! I figure if I stick to it Monday to Friday then I can take the weekend off! Give it a try, it'll definitely help!! What have you been watching on Netflix?? I'm almost caught up with The Originals and need something else to binge!!

    Chrissy x

    1. Well, it's Tuesday and so far I haven't stuck to my so called new "routine" haha ):
      Maybe next week?! I've been watching a really good new series called 'The Returned'. It's about people who die and return to their families/friends like nothing's happened. Sooo good! Never watched The Originals but i'll check that one out :)


  2. That first pic is so cute! Sad to hear that March hasn't been that great for you, I hope April will be better :) xx

  3. Those chocolates look so amazing! <3 I definitely feel like I need to try and go to the gym and go back and do blog work but like you, I feel like it sounds a lot better in my head but ends up not really working haha
    hope you have a good april and amazing spring <3
    Also, thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog! :)

    ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ Creme de la Chic ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡

    Hope you're having a beautiful day, Ashleigh! xx

    1. Thanks so much Kelly. Just been having a read of your blog and what lovely pictures! You're really making me want to travel around Paris again! ♡



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