Sunday-gram #3


braving no makeup · waiting to get my hair done · new hair · pretty little liars and chicken · salted caramel amazing'ness · wise words from male blogger phil · blogging in chelsea · highlighter crazy · ready for a night out · saturday fun · best hangover cure · ill

Hi everyone. Remember me? I haven't blogged in a few days and feel terrible for it but know it's just one of them things and I shouldn't beat myself up about it.

I am currently writing this feeling a tad sorry for myself. I went out this weekend for the first time in ages and had a great time but I am now ill which is completely messing me up in terms of work. Hope I feel better soon! For now, I've just eaten a salad with 90% avocado and am going to catch up with emails and sneeze 322938923 times more. Hope you all had a fabulous weekend and I'll be back properly tomorrow x


  1. Love this post, your hair looks stunning! Aw glad to hear you had a great time the weekend, feel better soon though :)

    Charlee XO | CharmedCharlee

    1. Thanks Charlee! Lots of hot chocolate and duvet time <3



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