my week in photos 24th sep - 30th sep 2012


cute nails: elf's 'innocent' base-coat + technic's 'carnival' glitter top-coat · film night.. for one! · uni work has started · wore jeans for the first time in years! 
1) I've kinda procrastinated over the past three weeks and left starting my three Uni assignments until this week (may i mention I begin the forth week tomorrow 01/10!). I have two practical projects which involve thinking of an idea, shooting, printing and presenting and the other is an essay. I'm so undecided on one of the projects but I need to get my bum into gear cos time will soon creep up on me!

2) I enrolled at UEL (University of East London) on Wednesday which is my second campus. It was alright there. The photography facilities are okay but I feel they're better at my primary campus, however the library seems a tad on the amazing side compared to my primary campus, so I think I'll be using both over the next two years. Made a new friend who was simply the most random person I think I've ever met. Turns out he performs in his band in Hoxton/Shoreditch/Camden which is where I grew up, how mad! Also popped to Stratford Westfield Wednesday with my Uni buddy Bardha who I should have probably mentioned in last week's post as she's so lovely and funny!

3) Last, but not least, I met up with a friend on Friday night for a cinema trip around the Canary Wharf area. I've never been there and did completely judge it to be full of business people and banks, but it's so nice, especially at night! May have to take another trip up there soon to adventure some more, hmm!
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  1. Anonymous30/9/12

    Ha, I love libraries, studying is so much easier when you're in a cosy, silent place :)
    good luck with your uni work! xx

  2. Love those jeans, I've just been given a similar pair and love them! Sounds like you're having fun, good luck :) xx
    Dreams and Dresses

  3. Sounds like Uni is going well for you!

  4. your nails are so pretty, so are the jeans :D xo

  5. Pretty nails! Love Canary Wharf x

  6. I love westfields in stratford, I always go during the week as it's in the middle of my commute (romford - canary wharf), it always seems so busy though. The cinema at West India Quay is so nice - I go there all the time as it's my local - as you said it's so nice at night time as everything is all lit up!

    Good luck with your uni projects - I'm sure you'll think of something :) xx

  7. Are those the topshop jeans? I really want them! Sounds like youre enjoying uni :) x

  8. Gorgeous nails :-)


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