
I don’t like to think I have any regrets in life but there are certainly things I would do differently if I could turn back time and go back. The choices I have made in the last 23 years and especially the last 7 years since leaving school, have made me the person I am today and if I went back and changed things then quite frankly, my life would be completely different. 

I know right now is exam season, graduation period and the summer holidays are nearing. I also know that a whole bunch of you who follow and read this blog are likely to be a lot younger than me. So whether you are younger, the same age or even older than me; you can either apply these tips to the future choices you make from now on or pass the advice on to people younger than yourself. 


As much as I hated school, I completed the 5 years and left as a sixteen year old with 10 A-C GCSE grades. I then went onto sixth form straight away, hated it and dropped out. However, I then applied for a college course and ended up with a diploma in Photography. Straight after that, I got into University and I graduated with a degree in Photography 2 years ago. 

However, what would I do differently?

My university course was at a college but was funded by a University in London. Due to this, my fees were much cheaper and I also had the choice to either do 2 years or 3 years. I really struggled with the whole ~uni thing~ and found myself not turning up more often than enough. I was still completing my work and meeting deadlines but just knew I had made the wrong choices. Of course if I could go back, I would not only change my choice of University AND course; but I would have completed the whole 3 years of University. I only did two years so have a foundation degree instead of a full BA Hons. It’s still an option to do whenever I want to but right now it’s not possible. 


When that little plastic green card landed in my mailbox a few months before turning 17, I was so happy. I could officially learn to drive and the possibility of learning, passing and getting a car by the time I was 18 kept me going. Sadly, I didn’t start learning to drive until I was 20 and had lessons for almost a year. I have touched on this lightly before, but I was involved in a car crash that knocked my confidence so much that I never sat down in the driver’s seat ever again. 

My driving instructor wasn’t the most empathetic so make sure to look for a reputable driving instructor. A driving school such as Pass N Go are a great option because they offer courses tailored to you and you can top up your account and book lessons on the go. 


I've interned quite a fair bit and have spoke about this before in my truth about fashion internships post. However, I’m now 23 and in the long, dreary process of looking for my dream job. What I lack most is experience so even though I do have a substantial amount of intern and work experience (actually in jobs); I wish I had interned more in roles that would benefit my future dreams. 

A lot of internships are now only offered to students because they don’t have to pay you. It’s now against the law to not pay interns so if you’re a student it sucks but it’s also great because it wipes out a lot of competition such as myself who would never be offered unpaid internships; thus a lot more opportunities are available for you.


When I got my very first job in retail, I was working weekends and evenings after college at my local cinema. It was an alright job and gave me some pocket money and free films, but like all other 17 and 18 year olds, I wanted to go out with friends and make the most of my summer holidays. I turned down so much over time given to me and now I look back and regret it. 

I could have used that money for so many things like going towards driving lessons, future travelling prospects and savings. Even though the thought of working extra hours is not that exciting, don’t turn it down if you can. Just do it and reap the rewards on pay day. 


I'don't actually have any savings because the money my mum had been putting away for me since I was born was completely rinsed on clothes, makeup and nights out with friends when I hit 18. At the time, it felt like I was super rich and I was loving life. However, looking back now at the choices I made, I couldn’t of been more stupid.

I’m now 23 (as I have stated 101 times in this post) and I have no savings. Every penny I earn goes into living. I have bills to pay, a puppy to pay for and like most other people my age, I want other materialistic things. I want a car, I want to start thinking about moving out within the next couple of years and I want to travel more. I could have done all these things if I didn’t spend my savings on absolute rubbish!

If you could go back and change one thing about your life, what would it be?

Disclaimer: In collaboration with Pass N Go. However, all words, opinions and photographs are my own.


  1. I'm with you on most of these, but I'm 28 and still can't drive haha. :)

    1. Oh phew! I feel a bit better now haha!

      Ashleigh x

  2. I definitely agree with most of these, I really should have saved more!

    Ella xx

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one with that regret in life! I think about it all the time and feel awful!

      Ashleigh x

  3. Great post lovely! Agree with all of these especially taking over time and saving! X
    Jenny / www.borntoblend.co.uk

    1. Thanks Jenny! Glad you agree and can relate :)

      Ashleigh x

  4. I definitely agree with you on the driving! I'm 23 and learning. I used to be good at saving and it does help. Interning/volunteering makes it so much easier to get a job too :)

    Jodie :)

    1. Ah, really! Hope you pass so best of luck with driving :)

      Ashleigh x

  5. Yup, agree with all these! Happy to say I have done almost all of these, except from saving money which I massively regret haha! Immy x


    1. Ah, you lucky thing! I think we are all bad at saving by the looks of things. Maybe it's just a 20's thing!

      Ashleigh x

  6. A lot of internships are now only offered to students because they don’t have to pay you.


Thanks so much for your comment! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments and I'll answer them!