
In all honesty, I've not known whether to jump in with the hype of these posts and add my two cents. I'm sure you're probably bored of just about everyone letting the world know what blog goals they want to achieve in 2016 so I apologise in advance if I bore you even more. Even more sorry if you're now about to cry into your tea.

I have spent a couple of days jotting things down and I'm not going to bother writing things like I promise to start saving £100 per month ready to move out by the end of the year. That won't happen. Nor will the moving out part. Unless Chuck Bass is reading and wants me to move into his NYC apartment suite with him; then by all means, get in touch honey. 

Personal Goals:

Really, these aren't goals. A goal is something you aim to achieve. I'm not aiming. I am going to do. All I want to do this year is be happy and that means making several changes in my life. The beginning of 2015 for me was horrible. I lost my best friend (my furry four legged pooch best friend) and it's taken the whole year to get over the loss. I think this year has definitely been one for ups and downs. It's been an odd pattern of a horrible few months, a good few months and then back to a horrible few months. However, let's stick to the positive points... (another resolution I am trying to pledge right now - can I do it? Probably not.)

Relying only on my blog income for the year was hard but it taught me a lot about learning to say no to those boots that just landed in Topshop and weekly trips to Nandos. I learnt to budget so I want to continue with this. I am not saying I am going to save money but if I am spending less money on materialistic things like lemon & herb flavoured chicken and leaving ££ in my account un-touched; this is my way of saving those pennies and pounds.

I want to find a job I am happy in. I've been floating on by for the last couple of years in odd retail and admin jobs but I've never been 100% happy in them. I get bored easily, I'm not keen on dealing with money and I hate how customers always think they're right. I like being in an office space, I like having the chance to be creative and having an impact on a business and I like having a Starbucks a five minute walk away. Who knows if this is the year that I'll land a job in social media or digital marketing? All I know is that it's something I've craved for the last year BADLY and I won't stop until I'm there.

I worry so much about what other people think of me, whether I have made this person happy and made sure that person is okay and feeling good about themselves. I am fed up. It sounds so selfish but what about me? Who has been there for me to check up on me, congratulate me on all my achievements this year? Not one "friend", that's for sure. I just want this new year to be all about me. Yep, again it sounds VERY selfish but so what? I don't care.

Blog Goals:

I'll touch on these lightly as I'm sure 99.9% of us bloggers have rounded up the same goals.

I've decided I am going to work with less brands in 2016. I've been so stressed out the last couple of months trying to get campaigns finished, posts written, emails up to date etc that I fell out of love with it all a little bit. It's okay to say no and this is something I am trying to remember now. I don't have to say yes to reviewing a sports bra, I don't have to rush into London to attend that high profile event and I certainly don't have to run to a brand's every beck and call. Less product reviews means less stress and that is something I want now.

In relation to this, I need to seriously get organised more.  My biggest point is to stop working ridiculous hours. I need to stop working at 5pm and log out of my blog and social media and not continue to 8pm, 11pm and then end up finishing working at 3AM due to falling asleep in bed with my Macbook on my lap. It's my WORST habit!

A few little things that I'm not going to stretch to aiming to tick off but I would like to start posting regular videos on my YouTube channel. I'd also love to find a good friend who's a blogger to attend events and general hang out with. Certainly no pressure though... and definitely no getting my hopes up in that department.


  1. sounds like you've set yourself some awesome aims. we all need to be a bit selfish now and then!


    1. Hey Rebecca.

      I am glad you agree with me on this one :) I am already starting to put myself first and it feels great already!

  2. What a lovely post. It's not selfish of you for wanting the year to be all about you.

    Over the past 12 months I've learnt that it's not worthy to put others first. People don't care and end up taking advantage of you.

    1. I have learnt that too Izabela. I've also realised it's pretty pointless keeping people in your life who don't have any impact on your life at all. Slowly making changes :)

      Ashleigh x

  3. These all sound like totally reasonable goals. I hope the job search goes well! I'm the same about working with brands, less stress! x

    Jasmin Charlotte

    1. Thanks Jasmin! I'm hoping we both have a stress-free year!

  4. I hope by the end of the year you will be able to look back and say... well I did it all!

    1. I really hope I can too... we shall see in a year's time :)

      Ashleigh x

  5. Hope everything works out in this new year! Choosing yourself is not selfish, it's just not being (too) kind for the wrong reasons and not worrying about other people too much!


    1. Thanks so much Joy! I need to think about myself first a lot more!
      Ashleigh x

  6. I hope 2016 can be a more positive year for you (consistently). Onwards and upwards is the only way to go :)


Thanks so much for your comment! If you have any questions, leave them in the comments and I'll answer them!