what ashleigh did: 12th - 18th november


Off to a photo-shoot · Cinema (outfit) · Lazy morning with Andrew ♥ · Soppy tweets
001: I've not done anything remotely interesting this week. I'm stressing out with the amount of Uni work I'm behind on, the constant deadlines that seem to creep up sooner than I realise and my nanna's not very well. Bit of a crap week in all honesty, but next week will be better, I hope!

002: Finally got round to shooting some images for my self-portraiture project which I will eventually get around to sharing. I still need to sit down and blog what my assignments are actually about!

003: I went to see Skyfall on Thursday which was actually pretty good. I've never seen any Bond films and completely judged them not to be ~my type of film~ but I was proven wrong! 

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  1. Good luck with your uni work! Sucks when you have so much work to do near Christmas.

  2. Hope you manage to get all your work done, know how you feel x

  3. Good luck with uni. Love your layout. xx

  4. lovely post! good luck with all your work

    from helen at thelovecatsinc.com // @thelovecatsinc

    ps. enter my new giveaway to win some xmas goodies from lush! click here!

  5. good luck <3



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