My week in photos: 21.04.12 - 28.04.12


So true ;) · Mumma surprised me! · "About Me" · Cute notes from co-workers · Avengers work top! · My favourite time of the day · Feeding the addiction (swear nuggets pop up in these posts all the time?! · Odd pj's · Cheese & pepperoni toasties · Easy A · True story 'bro · Callum's "Avatar" · Maisy fell asleep on me · Opinion on my theory project · Cheesy pasta · Wednesday's outfit (post here· Face · Current giveaway! · Chicken fajitas · My Sister curling her hair with socks (it works!) · Friday's outfit · I'd be lost without my journal! · Sex in a tub · Another cheeky McDonalds!
 This week has been pretty easygoing. Truly realised that I need to get my head down into my work and get my Final Major Project started and finished (deadline being June 13th). I am literally so behind. Had no motivation or inspiration which hasn't helped but my little journal is helping me to plan everything out nicely. I will blog in the week about it all. 

5 things I have done:

  • Went to see Avengers Assemble on Friday, truly amazing!
  • Had a movie marathon by myself, with no chocolate.. sobsob!
  • Been asked to go on a date with somebody!
  • Put up my 500 follower giveaway! (Win a Lomography film camera, enter here!)
  • Packed away all of my winter clothes, only to get them all out again! ~British weather~

5 blogs I have been reading:

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  1. such a great week :) and you're makeup looks perfect. love the colour and it suits you so well :))

    xoxo FlirtingwithFashion

  2. Ohhh my gosh I literally want McDonalds sooo badly now hahaha! x

    1. Go buy some! ;) Thank you for following! I have loved your blog for quite some time! :) x

    2. I actually did go and buy some! I couldn't suppress the craving hahaha! Aww thank you thats so sweet, I love yours now I have discovered it, always love finding someone new to stalk (not creepy!!), new follower :D x

  3. I want that avengers top haha :)You're make up looks beautiful hun!

  4. Anonymous29/4/12

    Ahhhh I need your Avengers tee! Penn Badgely in Easy A is just dreamy!

    1. Haha, I will see if they have any more tees in work, ya never know! And I know lol.. i fall a little bit more in love with him each time lol! x

  5. Mmmm all that food looks delicious! Hope you go on the date and have a lovely time ;)

  6. Sound like a fantastic week! Can't wait to see the Avengers xx

  7. Love the food pics, making me hungry! Xx

  8. Cool pj bottoms!

  9. The food pictures are making me hungry! I NEED to see Avengers Assemble, I love anything Joss Whedon does! x

  10. All of that food looks delish and it sounds like you had a lovely week X

  11. Hi I'm a new follower and just got to say I'm so jealous of your Avengers T shirt!

    I also work in Vue and they only sent like 10 t-shirts and I didn't get one, so sad :(

    Has it been super busy with you? I worked the first three days and omg! Crazy! But its a super awesome amazing film! ^_^

    Lisamello xx

  12. Haha love the cinema working - I'm currently wearing "ask me about D-Box" tshirts at cineworld and it is SO ANNOYING. No! Don't ask me! Haha! Avengers is absolutely amazing isn't it? Argh I wanna see it again!

    Also, the pooch is cute and you've just reminded me I have a flatbread in the fridge!! <3

    Do you know when my little ad will go up btw? x


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